An easy way to remember the date your video was shot, is to include the shot date in the filename.
In my case I had tons of small video files and the only clue about the shot date was their modification date. What I needed, was a small script to rename all the video files and include each file's modification date in the new filename.
This was a bit tricky because I had to handle spaces in directory names. The key was to temporarily modify the internal field separator (IFS) to exclude space. Here is the script.
for file in `find . -name '*.mp4'`
dir=`dirname "$file"`
filen=`basename "$file"`
moddate=`stat -c %y "$file"`
fdate=`date -d "$moddate" "+%Y-%m-%d"`
echo Renaming file: $filen ..
mv $file $dir/$fdate-$filen